Understanding the Legal Framework for Lawyers & Entrepreneurs .
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About this course
Types of Companies

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Management of Companies

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Investment Law & the New SMEs Law

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Employment Law Issues for Startups

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ESOPs & Phantom Shares

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Contracts Building Blocks

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Data Protection

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SAFEs & Convertible Notes

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Term Sheets (Economic Terms)

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Term Sheets (Control Terms)

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When to Off-Shore your Company?

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Where to Off-Shore your Company?

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Course Index
Types of Companies
Management of Companies
Investment Law & the New SMEs Law
Employment Law Issues for Startups
ESOPs & Phantom Shares
Contracts Building Blocks
Data Protection
SAFEs & Convertible Notes
Term Sheets (Economic Terms)
Term Sheets (Control Terms)
When to Off-Shore your Company?
Where to Off-Shore your Company?
What will you learn

What are the outcomes from this course?

This course serves as a vital resource for anyone involved in or interested in the startup landscape in Egypt, offering a comprehensive understanding of the legal facets crucial for successful navigation within this dynamic and burgeoning sector.

1. Legal Framework Understanding: Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the legal framework governing startups in Egypt, covering various crucial aspects such as incorporation procedures, investment laws, and regulations pertinent to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

2. Contractual Knowledge: In-depth exploration of essential legal contracts vital for startups, including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), Terms & Conditions (T&C), and Privacy Policies. Participants will comprehend the importance of these contracts and their practical application in startup operations.

3. Employment and Offshoring Laws: Insights into the legal aspects of employment within startups, including labor laws and regulations, while also covering offshoring considerations relevant to Egyptian startups.

4. Fundraising and Investment: Detailed examination of fundraising strategies for startups, encompassing concepts such as convertible notes, Term Sheet economic terms, and control terms. This segment equips both entrepreneurs seeking funding and investors aiming to understand the legal aspects of investment in Egyptian startups.

5. Practical Application: Practical guidance and case studies to demonstrate how legal knowledge applies in real-world startup scenarios, providing a tangible understanding of how to navigate legal complexities.

target audience:

Legal professionals specializing in startup law, and individuals interested in understanding the legal intricacies of the Egyptian startup ecosystem Entrepreneurs looking to establish startups in Egypt, investors seeking insights into the legal landscape for potential investments.

Instructor Name Ibrahim Shehata
Course Content 12
Category Corporate Law

Frequently Asked Questions
1- What types of legal courses are available on the website?
Kouncel offers a plethora of legal courses in fields like Corporate Law, Intellectual property, Dispute resolution, Sports Law, Insurance and Environmental Law. In addition to courses targeting skills and personal development such as Legal English, Legal Drafting, and Dual Qualification. For our full list of courses, please check this page.
2- Who are the instructors for the legal courses?
Our Kouncels are carefully selected for their excellence and expertise in their respective fields. They are not just academics but actual practitioners who have years of experience practicing law.